
We’re excited to work with you! Post in the issues queue with any questions, feature requests, or proposals.


This module uses Tripal Test Suite. It provides a database seeder to make development a bit easier. Once you’ve installed test suite (composer install): run vendor/bin/tripaltest db:seed to run all seeders. This will create fictional users on the site with pending and approved HQ submissions.


NEVER run seeders on production sites. They will insert fictitious data into Chado.

Coding Standards

This project uses code climate to ensure coding standards are met. We suggest you use php_codesniffer locally to check coding standards before submitting a Pull Request for a smoother experience. This can be done as follows:

  1. Run composer up within the Tripal HQ directory. This will install php_codesniffer locally.
  2. Check coding standards by running ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal/ruleset.xml [file] where [file] contains your changes. This will output a report meant to help you improve your code.
  3. php_codesniffer includes a tool for automatically fixing many warnings you may have encountered. To run it execute ./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal/ruleset.xml [file] on the same file. Make sure to review any changes it makes.
  4. Manually fix any remaining errors and re-run step 2 to confirm.

We truely appretiate your effort in keeping our project standards compliant!

Automated Testing

This project uses TripalTestSuite and phpunit for automated testing. To run tests:

  1. Run composer up within the Tripal HQ directory. This will install phpunit locally.
  2. Run .vendor/bin/phpunit to execute all tests.